Fairy Bread


Ready for a Magical Snack

With sprinkles and butter, Fairy Bread is simple, yet enchanting. So hold on to your wings, grab your wand, and make your own fairytale!


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Serves: 8


You’ll Need:

  • 8 slices of Wonder® Classic White Bread

  • 1/4 cup softened salted butter

  • 1/4 cup multicolored sprinkles

Follow these steps:

  1. Spread butter onto your slices of Wonder® Classic White Bread.

  2. Coat the buttered side with sprinkles.

  3. Slice each piece of Fairy Bread into triangles or keep it whole for an extra bite of magic.

  4. Enjoy your enchanting treat!